How Fiber-Rich Foods Can Promote Satiety
We’ve all experienced eating a delicious meal, and then that pesky feeling of hunger comes right back. What now? What can you eat that will help you feel full, nourished, and energetic enough until the next meal? Let’s talk about it!
What Is Fiber?
Picture this. You sit down and enjoy a slice of pizza, and another, and another. You’re so full, but not long after finishing, you somehow feel hungry again. It’s perplexing but actually has some scientific reasoning behind it.
carbohydrates from the crust. So unless your pizza crust is whole wheat or cauliflower crust, it is likely significantly lacking in dietary fiber.
According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber is the parts of plants that we eat that cannot be digested or absorbed, so they are passed through the body. Dietary fiber has many health benefits, from helping with keeping your bowel movements regular to controlling blood sugar levels and even lowering cholesterol.
Foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, are more filling compared with low-fiber foods, such as white rice, pasta, or bread.
For example, a review in the journal Nutrition Reviews found that participants who consumed oats, a food high in soluble fiber (soluble, meaning it dissolves in water and forms a gel-like material), had an increased perception of satiety, or fullness, after eating.
Therefore, including foods rich in dietary fiber in every meal and snack will help you feel more full and satisfied and reduce the urge to overeat. Additionally, foods that are high in fiber also tend to take longer to eat, which can improve your satiety after eating as well.
It is recommended that women and men over 50 consume 21 grams and 30 grams of fiber per day, respectively, while women and men aged 50 and under should consume 25 grams and 38 grams per day, respectively.
The Powerful Hunger-Crushing Combo
For an even more effective hunger-crushing combination, eat your fiber, whether as a fruit, vegetable, or whole grain, with a source of lean protein and a healthy fat. Here are some snack ideas that incorporate all three of these components:
Whole wheat crackers with almonds and grapes
Apple slices with cubes of cheese
Wheat toast with sliced avocado
Going back to our pizza example, pairing it with a medium piece of fruit or a side salad will add the fiber component to complete the meal.
In other words, fiber, protein, and fat will together keep you feeling full and satisfied. So be creative and combine your favorite foods for this hunger-crushing combo!
Key Takeaways
Fiber is a plant component that plays a crucial role in keeping you full and satiated after a meal or snack. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and more!
So, include these food groups into your meals and snacks as often as you can to boost your dietary fiber intake and reap the health benefits!